
CamerasensorIMX476fromSonywithalistofdevicesbasedonit·Specifications·Ranking·Mobilephones-Selfiecamera.,Anagencyinruins.Pastoperativesinhiding.4,999recruitstosaveitall.TheConfidentialComradesareagentsindisguisepreparingfortheirmost ...,本文说明i.MX8XMEK板板级开发包版本.5.4.24的bootloader细节,以帮助客户了解i.MX8X的bootloader是如何运行的,以及如何.修改到客户的新板上。,i.MXReleaseManifest.Contri...

Camera sensor IMX476 from Sony with a list of devices ...

Camera sensor IMX476 from Sony with a list of devices based on it · Specifications · Ranking · Mobile phones - Selfie camera.

Confidential Comrades IMX #476

An agency in ruins. Past operatives in hiding. 4,999 recruits to save it all. The Confidential Comrades are agents in disguise preparing for their most ...

i.MX8X MEK 板级开发包5.4.24 的Bootloader 定制

本文说明i.MX8X MEK板板级开发包版本. 5.4.24的bootloader细节,以帮助客户了解 i.MX8X的bootloader是如何运行的,以及如何. 修改到客户的新板上。

imx-manifestGraphicsChangeLog at imx-linux

i.MX Release Manifest. Contribute to nxp-imx/imx-manifest development by creating an account on GitHub.

Lenovo S5 Pro and K5 Pro official with dual cameras ...

2018年10月18日 — It's an IMX 476 sensor with 1.0µm pixels, which can be binned 4 in 1 for better low-light performance (the f/2.2 lens isn't much help there).

LICENSE.txt - nxp-imximx

Contribute to nxp-imx/imx-firmware development by creating an account on GitHub.


The MSC OSM-MF-IMX8MINI is based on the new OSM 1.1 standard (Size-M) “Medium” for completely machine processible low-cost embedded computer modules.

OPPO R15双平台配置曝光,或将首发索尼IMX476传感器

2018年3月13日 — OPPO R15所发布的标准版和梦镜版将会搭载不同的双摄,都将会采用和索尼共同研发的旗舰相机Soc IMX 476,这将会在HDR拍摄方面有非常出色的表现,特别是在逆光 ...

联想S5 ProGT参数_配置_图片_测评

IMX 476. 2.0μm(4合1). 超大像素. 超大像素. AI人像. 偶像级美颜. 前置2000万像素SONY摄像头,搭配独特的黄金比例级人脸算法,使马夸特面具测试平均分数大幅提升。 三庭五眼 ...


2018年10月22日 — 既然是“偶像级自拍”,前置摄像头自然是最重要的,联想官方称其为“地表最强前置双摄”,从硬件参数来看,使用了前置2000万SONY相机(IMX 476)+800万 ...